Call us 866-931-8882 | | Emergency After Hours 214-356-6157

About Us

For most hospitals, the community is your lifeblood. The support, care, and love each hospital gives are vital to sustaining your future. Hospital Care Consultants is here to help guide you that way. Contact us today to see how we can help.



Performance Improvement

Performance improvement is a critical part of any organization’s success. HCC focuses on improving the quality of care, improving operational efficiency, and increasing patient satisfaction. This process involves collaboration between community members, clinicians, and operations teams. Using data analysis, process optimization techniques, and team-based approaches to problem-solving, HCC can identify areas for improvement and develop strategies to drive performance improvements.

Patient Satisfaction

Patient satisfaction is an essential part of the healthcare system. It is closely related to the quality and effectiveness of the care provided in a hospital’s emergency department (ED). As such, measuring and monitoring patient satisfaction is essential to maintain and improve the quality of ED care.HCC and partner facilities appreciate the importance of patient satisfaction. We use proprietary patient satisfaction measuring tools to collect, manage and analyze the emergency room and inpatient HCAHPS-approved satisfaction scores.

Admissions Efficiency

More efficient processing and capture of patients from the ER and community outreach could result in more successful outcomes. Your facility will thrive and reverse an outbound trend of patients to the more extensive urban facilities.

Physician & Staff Training

Our physicians are additionally trained to comply with core measures, EMTALA, and HIPAA guidelines. Before a clinician’s first shift in a facility, physicians are fully oriented about facility-specific policies, general information, and ancillary and specialty services.


We have the program to fit you.

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Whether your facility is big or small, we have a solution to fit your needs. Contact us to start working on that for you, today.


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